
Hi, I’m Tina.

My quilting journey began with candles and a birthday cake. For my 11th birthday, my mom gave me my very first sewing machine - and I’ve been hooked ever since. It’s about 20 years later and my favorite scissors are from that special day.  

I’ve always been a maker - of things big and small. I especially love anything that makes my home feel cozy - whether it’s making a quilt or saving and refurbishing 150 year old chairs . The added bonus is having a unique home, with unusual makes and finds. My style is open ended and continues to evolve with time. I love colors and floral prints, elaborate and simple designs - it’s really whatever I’m in the mood for and what catches my eye! 

It warms my heart whenever I give a quilt to someone I care for. I hope you enjoy my creations and my journey in creating quilts, and making a home a home. I also believe, you can’t have that homey feeling without good cookin’ and a baked treat! So check out some of my favorite recipes. 

P.S. If you haven’t noticed, I love my dog - Birdie.