
Hi, I’m Tina.

That’s my co-creator, Birdie. I’m a maker of all things home, whether that’s a quilt to cozy up with or a sweet treat.

Quilting Must-Haves

Quilting Must-Haves

Okay, they aren’t “must-haves”, but they are definitely “good-to-haves “when quilting, crafting, or whatever.

It’s taken me a while to purchase and try new quilting notions. Trust me, I’ve been eyeing them online, but it took me a while to talk myself into buying them when I could already complete all my projects with what I had. I’m so glad I clicked purchase. Some I’ve had for years and others are pretty new to me. Don’t wait so long like me - give them a try! You won’t regret it! …and if you do, Amazon has an amazing return policy ;)

#1 Iron. Go ahead and get yourself a new iron. I’ve been using the same one passed down from my parents for years (yeah, probably like ten years). That’s great it was still kicking after all this time, but when it spit out iron colored water on me - we were no longer friends. Now, I did swoon over that pink iron that bloggers/influencers have on their accounts, but I’m not one to drop $100+ on an iron. No way, no matter how pretty it was. I was on the hunt to find a great iron without the sticker shock. I found it - Singer Expert Finish. Done, done, and done! I added it to my cart and I’ve been happily ironing for days wondering why in the world I waited so long. My friend, don’t wait so long! Don’t wait until your trusty iron spits that brown nasty water out at you. Be ahead of it!

  • Spray bottles are handy too, for an even steam. Remember the iron spitting at me? Oh no, not this time. Check out the spray bottles below. They come in handy for just about anything!

#2 Thread Nippers. I’ve had these since middle school (20+ years) and they work like they are brand new. These are the best! So quick to snip because you don’t have to try to fit your adult thumbs in baby scissors. You waste no time and get right to it with these guys!

#3 Wool Pressing Mat. Were you like me and really didn’t believe all the hype about the wool ironing mat? I’m a total believer now for two reasons. First, I don’t have to get up and walk to the ironing board. Nope, I just swivel in my chair and BAM! I’m ironing, swivel back, BAM! I’m sewing. Repeat, repeat, repeat. Second, because it really does press your seams so nicely, so flat, so perfect on any surface.


#4 Quilter’s Magic Wand. This handy tool is accurately named. This has come in handy when marking HST’s. I’ve actually had this for about 7 years. I always have it on hand and use it often. You can’t see in the picture, but it has a line down the center with a 1/4 inch on each side.

#5 Rotating Cutting Mat. Again, if you are an HST lover, it’s a time saver. Also, it is travel friendly.

Happy Sewing!

Two tiny, but mighty must haves for any craft room

Two tiny, but mighty must haves for any craft room

Blueberries, Cornbread & a Skillet

Blueberries, Cornbread & a Skillet