
Hi, I’m Tina.

That’s my co-creator, Birdie. I’m a maker of all things home, whether that’s a quilt to cozy up with or a sweet treat.

Two tiny, but mighty must haves for any craft room

Two tiny, but mighty must haves for any craft room

Hello there,

I’m going to keep this short and sweet. I’ve kept these two products in my craft room for some time now and I can’t imagine sewing without them.

#1 Lint Roller.

AKA little thread roller. Do you ever get all those little thread snipping stuck to your yoga pants? Then you go downstairs to start dinner, and before you know it, it’s like you dropped bread crumbs in your path? No more! I quickly roll myself before I exit my craft room and there are no longer traces of my sewing adventures all over the house, which leads to less vacuuming, which then leads to a very happy me.

#2 Dust Off!

Blast that dust away! Is it just the fabric I’m using or do you get dust all over the machine, table, windowsill, you name it? I do. Keeping these on hand has helped me keep my machine and surfaces clean. I always dust off my space before I end for the day. And don’t forget to cover up your machine to keep the dust away too! Pesky little dust bunnies will quickly cover your machine and get in its nooks and crannies if left in the open for a few days. If you don’t have one, a quick Pinterest search will give you endless ideas for easy to elaborate coverings.

Power Punch'd No Bake Granola Balls

Power Punch'd No Bake Granola Balls

Quilting Must-Haves

Quilting Must-Haves